Friday, November 21, 2008

Rainy Day

Most of Victoria (the southern most main land state in OZ) has been in a drought for many years, so water is a precise commodity. When it started raining yesterday everyone was quite excited. It rained through the night and looks to be set to go all day today. It reminds me of rainy days in Oregon. I find it quite comforting sitting inside watching the rain.

It has a put a bit of a damper on my plans to run a sub 16 minute 5k. There was a track meet today that I was going to take part in, but with the ongoing wetness, there is likely to be quite a bit of standing water on the track. Hence, no race...

So now I will sit down and create a very specific training plan for the next 3 months. The plan will be to peak for Geelong 70.3 in early February. When I get it finished, I'll post the jest of it (the whole thing would put you to sleep if you read it :-)

Just for fun - Tiger Cow